

From: Rp 350,000 for 1 year

WallSuite is an Autoblog Tool For WallSpot, Wordpress and Static (HTML Sites), WallSuite is contain these Product:

  • WallSpot, Autoblog Wallpaper for Blogspot and Wordpress
  • GimGim and GimGim V.2 both are same as WallSpot but source images are from Google Images, Wallspot from Bing
  • WallStatic HTML, From Google Images to HTML, each Article 7 Images.
  • WallStatic .MD, From Google Images to MD (Coming soon).

Guide are included in packet, Guide in Indonesia and English.

WallSuite is an autoblog tool for WallSpot, WordPress, and static (HTML) sites.

It contains these products:

  • WallSpot, an autoblog wallpaper for Blogspot and WordPress;
  • GimGim
  • and GimGim V.2, which are the same as WallSpot but use source images from Google Images (Wallspot uses images from Bing);
  • WallStatic HTML, which converts Google Images to HTML and includes seven images per article;
  • and WallStatic .MD (coming soon), which converts Google Images to MD.

Guides are included in the package and are available in Indonesian and English.

WallSuite adalah Tool Autoblog untuk Blogspot, Wordpress dan Website Static, di dalam terdapat beberapa tool yaitu : WallSpot, GimGim dan GimGim V2 untuk Blogspot dan Wordpress serta juga ada WallStatic dengan Output HTML dan MD.

Panduan Video ada dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Panduan Bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk Teks dan Gambar (menyusul).

Kenapa Produk ini menggunakan Bahasa Inggris di awal, karena Pembeli tool pertama adalah orang Luar Negeri.


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1 Year, 2 Year, 3 Year


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